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 College Parents! 

Looking for affordable student housing?

Tired of the cost of rent in your student's college town?  Churchill Mortgage has a plan to help you save!


Buying a Home May Make More Sense


With rising costs of college housing in Tennessee, parents are looking for ways to save money. Did you know for the cost of renting in a college town, you could afford to buy a bigger home? 

With a quick call, our dedicated team will walk you through your options and connect you with local experts to find the home perfect for your student (and your budget).

 Consider This: 

Renting doesn't build equity.
While the cost of renting looks lower, you’re getting less space for your money.
Property in college towns is in high demand – and always will be.

 For Example... 



 Read Stories from Parents Like You! 


When my daughter got her college acceptance letter to play soccer, we were all cheering. But then, reality hit us hard with the rising living costs around her campus.

I'll admit we thought we were out of options. But the team at Churchill really stepped up. 

Fast forward and buying that house near campus was one of the best decisions we've made. It's not just about having a place for my daughter to live; it's turned into a savvy investment. She shares the house with teammates, which helps with the bills, and suddenly, what seemed like a financial burden has become a smart financial move.


“When the cost of living near my son's college shot up in his sophomore year, my heart sank. 

Scrambling for solutions, we reached out to Churchill Mortgage and our brief conversation was a game-changer. They didn't just see numbers; they saw us, our worries, and our hopes for our son's future. Together, we hatched a plan I never thought possible: buying a house near campus.

Now, my son and his friends live in that house. It's their home away from home, and for us, it's an investment in his future and ours. It's been a relief and a blessing, all thanks to the guidance and support we got from our friends at Churchill. They turned our fear into a future we're all excited about.


Finding my freshman daughter a safe, affordable place to live turned into a big headache. We looked everywhere - places on campus and off - but everything was either too expensive or just not right. 

Then, we talked to our loan officer, who threw out the idea of buying a house near her college. After crunching some numbers and thinking it over, it started to make sense. 

My daughter is super happy with her new place, and it feels great to see her so excited about college life with her friends.
